Time for std.reflection
turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 16:58:26 PST 2012
Huge interest!
I wouldn't want to see static data structures bloat/clutter the exe though
in cases where it's not ever used/queried.
The object factory is already a serious problem.
On 22 July 2012 00:44, Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org>wrote:
> Walter and I discussed the idea below a long time (years) ago. Most likely
> it's also been discussed in this newsgroup a couple of times. Given the
> state of the compiler back then, back then it seemed like a super cool idea
> that's entirely realizable, it would just take time for the compiler to
> become as capable as needed. Nowadays we're in shape to tackle it.
> Here "it" is.
> Back when runtime reflection was being discussed, my response was "let's
> focus on compile-time reflection, and then we can do run-time reflection on
> demand as a library". Though this might sound sensible, I initially didn't
> have a design. Now here's what we can do.
> Currently we have information about symbols as __traits(...) intrinsics
> wrapped in nice but scattered ways. Now that CTFE is good enough to
> manipulate structs and arrays thereof, we have the possibility to finally
> approach things in a nicely unified, structured way.
> First, we need to prime std.reflection with a few abstractions that
> characterize entities in a D program.
> class ModuleInfo {
> @property:
> string name();
> ImportInfo[] imports();
> DataInfo[] data();
> FunctionInfo[] functions();
> ClassInfo[] classes();
> StructInfo[] structs(); // includes unions
> TemplateInfo[] templates();
> EnumInfo[] enums();
> bool hasStaticCtor(), hasStaticDtor(),
> hasSharedCtor(), hasSharedDtor();
> }
> Probably there are a few more pieces of data, but you get the idea. Then
> for each of the entities mentioned above we have a similar definition. For
> example:
> enum Protection { isPublic, isPackage, isProtected, isPrivate }
> class ClassInfo {
> @property:
> string name();
> string baseName();
> string parentName(); // if applicable, null otherwise
> string[] interfaces();
> bool isShared();
> Protection protection();
> DataMemberInfo[] data();
> MethodInfo[] methods();
> Object defaultConstructor();
> ...
> }
> Then for an e.g. method declaration we'd have:
> class MethodInfo {
> @property:
> string name();
> bool isStatic(), isFinal(), isOverride();
> Protection protection();
> string[] parameterTypes();
> string[] parameterNames();
> }
> Some details may vary, e.g. some may be straight members instead of
> properties etc. (I used properties to allude to use of lazy gathering of
> information).
> So so far we have a nice collection of structured data associated with the
> entities in a D program. Note how this structuring differs yet has similar
> power to the primitives in std.traits; std.traits offers unstructured bits
> of information on demand (e.g. ParameterTypeNames) etc. but the objects
> above group information together per entity declared. All of the above goes
> in std.reflection, of course.
> ===========
> On to primitives that return such data.
> Given that D can (since relatively recently) create and manipulate class
> objects during compilation too, it follows that the classes above can be
> accessed in two ways - through compile-time API and run-time API. When
> possible, the APIs may even use the same functions; some other times they
> will be necessarily different.
> There are two possible approaches to discovering such information. One is
> by fetching the ModuleInfo for the whole module and navigating it. Another
> one is by using search primitives from strings.
> So we should have e.g.
> // inside std.reflection
> ModuleInfo getModuleInfo(string moduleName);
> so a CT call would go like:
> // client code
> static info = getModuleInfo("std.algorithm")**;
> whereas a run-time call would be:
> // client code
> auto info = getModuleInfo("std.algorithm")**;
> In the latter case, the module needs to save all needed information for
> ri, so it should plant this:
> // inside std.algorithm
> mixin(**makeModuleInfoAvailableDynamic**ally());
> The mixin would generate all information needed and would store it for
> later dynamic use.
> A search API would go like e.g.
> ClassInfo getClassInfo(string className);
> In this case the class name could be qualified with module information etc.
> ===========
> With this design we unify compile-time and run-time type manipulation in
> simple ways, by defining structured information about declarations that can
> be queried during compilation or dynamically.
> Please chime in with thoughts. Would someone want to pioneer this project?
> Andrei
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