DConf 2013 suggestion

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at webdrake.net
Wed Nov 21 05:33:47 PST 2012

Hello all,

Now that we know that DConf 2013 is going to happen (congratulations and thanks 
to everyone!), I had a thought about how it might be possible to give some extra 
involvement to those who can't physically make it on this occasion.

Since there are already plans for the whole conference to be videoed, how about 
also making it possible for non-attendees to submit video presentations?  These 
could be made available via the conference website together with comment threads 
where the presenters could get feedback and discuss their work.

A second possibility would be to allow people (whether attending or not) to 
submit proceedings articles.  If there's an interest in this, and in seeing them 
officially published (preferably in an open access venue), I can put out some 
queries to colleagues in academic publishing to see if we can find a nice solution.

What does everyone think?  The only doubt I have is that it might tip the 
balance in favour of non-attendance for some people who are sitting on the fence 
right now.

Best wishes,

     -- Joe

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