Ranges usages
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Wed Nov 21 17:14:22 PST 2012
(This is a partial repost from D.learn.)
Some time ago after Andrei Alexandrescu talk "Iterators must Go"
someone asked about implementing the Dutch national flag sort
algorithm with D ranges. This is a version of mine (but
unfortunately currently I can't try it on the Dlist of Phobos),
it looks short but for me it wasn't immediate to write:
void dutchNationalFlagSort(Range, T)(Range secondLast,
in T lowVal, in T highVal)
pure nothrow if (isBidirectionalRange!Range &&
hasSwappableElements!Range &&
is(ElementType!Range == T)) {
for (auto first = secondLast; !secondLast.empty; )
if (secondLast.front == lowVal) {
swap(first.front, secondLast.front);
} else if (secondLast.front == highVal) {
swap(secondLast.front, secondLast.back);
} else
In the following program there are two versions of the compress
function, that implement the same bare-bones version of the LZW
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv-Welch ) compression
compress1 is the simpler version, while compress2 avoids some
heap allocations using a Slice that is able to grow (in some of
my benchmarks compress2 is about twice faster than compress1).
Is it possible to write similar code nicely & efficiently with
import std.stdio, std.array;
alias T = ubyte;
alias Ta = immutable(T)[];
int[] compress1(immutable T[] original) {
int[Ta] dictionary;
foreach (i; 0 .. 256)
dictionary[cast(Ta)[i]] = i;
Ta w;
int[] result;
foreach (ch; original) {
auto wc = w ~ ch;
if (wc in dictionary) {
w = wc;
} else {
result ~= dictionary[w];
dictionary[wc] = dictionary.length - 1;
w = [ch];
return w.empty ? result : (result ~ dictionary[w]);
int[] compress2(immutable T[] original) {
int[Ta] dictionary;
foreach (i; 0 .. 256)
dictionary[cast(Ta)[i]] = i;
struct Slice {
size_t start, end;
@property opSlice() {
return original[start .. end];
alias this = opSlice;
Slice w;
int[] result;
foreach (i; 0 .. original.length) {
auto wc = Slice(w.start, w.end + 1);
if (wc in dictionary) {
w = wc;
} else {
result ~= dictionary[w];
dictionary[wc] = dictionary.length - 1;
w = Slice(i, i + 1);
return w.empty ? result : (result ~ dictionary[w]);
void main() {
Thank you,
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