Ranges usages

Artur Skawina art.08.09 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 06:02:34 PST 2012

On 11/22/12 02:14, bearophile wrote:
> In the following program there are two versions of the compress function, that implement the same bare-bones version of the LZW (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv-Welch ) compression algorithm.
> compress1 is the simpler version, while compress2 avoids some heap allocations using a Slice that is able to grow (in some of my benchmarks compress2 is about twice faster than compress1).

> import std.stdio, std.array;
> alias T = ubyte;
> alias Ta = immutable(T)[];
> int[] compress1(immutable T[] original) {
>     int[Ta] dictionary;
>     foreach (i; 0 .. 256)
>         dictionary[cast(Ta)[i]] = i;
>     Ta w;
>     int[] result;
>     foreach (ch; original) {
>         auto wc = w ~ ch;
>         if (wc in dictionary) {
>             w = wc;
>         } else {
>             result ~= dictionary[w];
>             dictionary[wc] = dictionary.length - 1;
>             w = [ch];
>         }
>     }
>     return w.empty ? result : (result ~ dictionary[w]);
> }
> int[] compress2(immutable T[] original) {
>     int[Ta] dictionary;
>     foreach (i; 0 .. 256)
>         dictionary[cast(Ta)[i]] = i;
>     struct Slice {
>         size_t start, end;
>         @property opSlice() {
>             return original[start .. end];
>         }
>         alias this = opSlice;
>     }
>     Slice w;
>     int[] result;
>     foreach (i; 0 .. original.length) {
>         auto wc = Slice(w.start, w.end + 1);
>         if (wc in dictionary) {
>             w = wc;
>         } else {
>             result ~= dictionary[w];
>             dictionary[wc] = dictionary.length - 1;
>             w = Slice(i, i + 1);
>         }
>     }
>     return w.empty ? result : (result ~ dictionary[w]);
> }
> void main() {
>     auto txt = cast(Ta)"TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT";
>     writeln(compress1(txt));
>     writeln(compress2(txt));
> }

> Is it possible to write similar code nicely & efficiently with ranges?

First, the code above is practically a textbook example on how /not/ to
write readable and efficient code. So lets do a saner implementation:

   import std.stdio, std.array, std.range;
   OUT[] compress(OUT=int, R)(const R original) {
      alias typeof(original[0..1]) Elems;
      alias typeof(cast()Elems[0]) Elem;

      IDAA!(OUT, const Elems) dictionary;
      OUT[] result;
      size_t start, end = 1;

      while (end<=original.length) {
         if (original[start..end] in dictionary)
            { ++end; continue; }
         result ~= dictionary[original[start..end-1]];
         dictionary[original[start..end]] = cast(OUT)dictionary.length;
         start = end-1;

      return original[start..end-1].empty ? result : (result ~ dictionary[original[start..end-1]]);

   struct IDAA(VAL, IDX) {
      VAL[IDX] map;
      enum M = IDX[0].max;
      static immutable VAL[M+1] idmap = {
         VAL[M+1] a;
         foreach (VAL c; 0..M)
            a[c] = c;
         return a;

      auto opIndex(const IDX idx) inout {
         return idx.length==1 ? idmap[idx[0]] : map[idx];
      auto opIndexAssign(const VAL val, const IDX idx) {
         return idx.length==1 ? idx[0] : (map[idx] = val);
      const opBinaryRight(string op:"in")(const IDX idx) /*inout*/ {
         return idx.length==1 ? &idmap[idx[0]] : idx in map;
      @property length() /*inout*/ { return map.length + idmap.length; }

This code is about an order of magnitude faster than both of your versions
(which performed ~ equally here w/ gdc), as the initialization, allocations,
copies and AA ops were completely dominating everything else.

Now, when we have something to compare against, rewriting it to use ranges
is trivial:

   OUT[] compress(OUT=int, R)(R original) {
      IDAA!(OUT, const typeof(cast()original.front)[]) dictionary;
      OUT[] result;
      size_t l = 1;

      while (original.length>=l) {
         if (original.takeExactly(l) in dictionary)
            { ++l; continue; }
         result ~= dictionary[original.takeExactly(l-1)];
         dictionary[original.takeExactly(l)] = cast(OUT)dictionary.length;
         l = 1;

      return original.empty ? result : (result ~ dictionary[original]);

And the (surprising, for me) result is that this code performs just as well
as the "saner" version above.

So i guess the answer is that it is possible.
For some definition of "nicely", as I don't like takeExactly and popFrontN. ;)


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