WinAPI and druntime [was: WinAPI for druntime and OpenGL for deimos]

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Sun Nov 25 04:27:39 PST 2012

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 10:38:36 Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> Copyright? Last I checked almost all files, except the WinSock
> ones, are explicitly specified to be in the public domain. Please
> clarify?

That's certainly what I remember. What's always confused me though is that 
I've heard that you can't copy from Microsoft's headers because of the 
copyright on them, but I have no idea where on earth anyone could ever have 
gotten any Windows headers except from Microsoft. But given that I've heard it 
disputed that you can even truly copyright headers in the first place (since 
they're essentially an API rather than an implementation), I really don't know 
what the legal situation with all of this is. However, many of the mingw 
headers definitely are definitely in the public domain from what I recall.

- Jonathan M Davis

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