monarchdodra at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 05:05:48 PST 2012
On Friday, 23 November 2012 at 21:18:57 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> Still, if we can't do that, and we're trying to minimize the
> number of stray
> functions in std.range, then we could just create
> drop(Front)Exactly and
> dropBackExactly and let people do
> range = dropExactly(range, 5);
> if they want popFrontExactly.
> - Jonathan M Davis
Well, if the goal was reducing the amount of functions, or
avoiding hard to grasp variants, then I'd agree.
But in this case, the goal (IMO) is to provide convenient and
intuitive tools for coding.
I think (but this is my point of view), that while there are
several different names and variants, it all remains in a simple
and comprehensive package. The function names alone are enough to
know what it does, and it's not like there are any "traps", or
things where you'd need to read documentation 10 minutes to
understand *why* there are different functions.
I don't see it as a problem to have all these functions, but
that's my point of view.
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