Breaking D2 language/spec changes with D1 being discontinued in a month

1100110 0b1100110 at
Wed Nov 28 16:54:52 PST 2012

On 11/28/2012 06:50 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 06:31:45PM -0600, 1100110 wrote:
> [...]
>> Oh! while I have your attention...  Looking at the makefiles for
>> DMD, all of them are set to build 32bit by default.  Usually that is
>> unset, and the environment that you are compiling in dictates which
>> one is implicitly chosen.
>> Why have it set to build 32 by default?  It's not an issue or
>> anything, but it's been a long time since I've had a setup capable
>> of build  32bit apps easily.  I always have to change that.  Is
>> there any particular reason that that option is set rather than
>> unset?
> Rarely known fact: you can invoke make like this:
> 	make -f posix.mak MODEL=64
> There is no need to change the environment.
> (I don't know about Windows make, but I suspect something similar, if
> not the same, is possible.)
> T

I know, I just have a bad habit of digging through makefiles and such 
before Ill run them.  When its literally right under the cursor its just 
easier to edit it.  I was really just curious why it wasn't left undefined.

It *seems* to be building fine without that option defined, and with the 
way Linux is going I simply cannot believe that I'm the only one for 
whom that messes up a default build.

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