Breaking D2 language/spec changes with D1 being discontinued in a month

Danni Coy danni.coy at
Thu Nov 29 01:52:37 PST 2012

Holy crap I had no idea that this conference even existed. It turns out I
am in melbourne for the next few days for entirely different reasons. Manu
thinks I should buy you a drink (i concur)...

I am generally in favour of the language being good rather than being
stable at this point in time. This is general keeping with the philosophy
that the right way do do things should be the easiest way to do things.

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Walter Bright
<newshound2 at>wrote:

> On 11/29/2012 3:31 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> Well, then we're about to reach the point when it's ripe to do that,
>> because
>> D1 is about to no longer be supported. With the beta for 2.061 (whenever
>> that
>> happens), we can adjust how we do the beta process to properly use
>> branches,
>> and then we can adjust how we deal with stable and development branches
>> of D2
>> for future releases.
> My thoughts, too.
> BTW, just so everyone knows, I am currently in Melbourne at the YOW
> conference. It's the start of a 3 city tour, so I won't get home until Dec.
> 8. The hotel internet connection is not much more suitable than for email
> and newsgroups, and my travel laptop is not well suited for dev, so aside
> from my conference obligations I intend to be doing things like D articles,
> learning new stuff, and other back-and-fill work until then.
> BTW, it's a great conference. There are a lot of freakin' smart people
> here, which always makes things a joy.
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