Deprecated Library Functions / Methods

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Fri Nov 30 09:47:30 PST 2012


> But if you have to use and work with the library to develop 
> real world applications, it's a nightmare. If this doesn't 
> change, I fear D will never take off.

It's useful to know your pain experience, but please don't turn 
this thread into FUD 
(,_uncertainty_and_doubt ). 
Possible solutions only come from more rational discussions.

In another thread people are discussion a solution that will help 
you, a "Stable D", updated only once in a time, like every 6-8-12 
months, that has no know regressions and where only nonbreaking 
changes are allowed (here Phobos modules deprecations are 
probably to be intended as breaking changes).


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