Dangling if
monarchdodra at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 13:57:42 PDT 2012
On Monday, 1 October 2012 at 15:26:20 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> I'm in the same boat. I've never had a problem with this, and
> it baffles me that
> people keep thinking that it's an issue.
> [SNIP]
> - Jonathan M Davis
Nobody says it is an "issue". As you said, "To each their own": I
know for a fact that I'm a sloppy coder, and I've run into the
dangling if problem. It doesn happen often, but the frustration
and wasted time, IMO, justifies the precautionary measures.
OP came stating he had the "same issue", ergo my recommendation.
It is just a coding standard I follow, and it works for me. Other
advantages (IMO) include making it slightly clearer what the body
of the if is, and makes expanding the if easier on typing.
You are free to follow your own standard, but don't judge.
On Sunday, 30 September 2012 at 20:44:43 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic
> On 9/30/12, monarch_dodra <monarchdodra at gmail.com> wrote:
>> but when
>> that 1 liner becomes a 2 liner, it saves your life.
> I can understand that. I typically don't add unnecessary braces
> unless
> I know I'll have to add a print statement in there for some
> debugging.
> Of course here we enter the area of smart editors that could
> automatically add braces if another statement was added. :]
This requires thinking. IMO when coding, thinking is a luxury
that needs to be preserved for the real problem at hand, not how
many curlies your code should contain. Besides, you never really
know which ifs will contain that extra debug line. Especially, it
is during furious debug sessions that you are most vulnerable to
clumsy mistakes.
ALWAYS adding curlies might be "extreme", but it is a simple rule
that is easy to follow, and has served me well.
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