Will the D GC be awesome?
Chad J
chadjoan at __spam.is.bad__gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 20:03:31 PDT 2012
On 10/03/2012 05:26 PM, DypthroposTheImposter wrote:
> D is pretty cool, perhaps someday I can use it instead of C++ and have
> cool shit like fast build times, modules, no more bloody headers, sane
> templates, CTFE, UFCS etc
> But can the D GC ever be made:
> 1. precise
> 2. able to scale to large-ish data set(2gig+)
Others have already addressed these 2 points better than my knowledge.
> 3. No long stalls(anything over a couple millisecond(<3))
One of the cool things about D's memory management is that it has a lot
of features that help you /avoid heap allocation/:
- Stack allocation. Just about anything in D can be stack allocated.
As long as you know that your memory won't need to survive past its
scope, you should be able to put it in the stack.
- Array slices. This can be used to reduce copying. Many other
languages seem to implement string slicing as a copy operation, which
introduces allocations.
- Ranges allow you to traverse arbitrary containers /without/ first
converting them into an array, thus avoiding copying allocations.
(Exception: if you need random access on a range that doesn't support
random access, then you may have to do this.)
- Preallocation with conventional malloc. Any time you find yourself
frequently allocating and freeing the same struct/object/whatever, then
you may want to preallocate it and avoid the allocation/deallocation
Using these things is probably a much better strategy for real-time
software than leaning on a GC. There will probably be times when a GC
is still all-too-convenient or perhaps even necessary (if you've ever
looked at MMO code). As long as you keep the GC stuff down to only what
is strictly necessary, then it will probably do well.
Try to do array slicing in Java or C#. You probably won't be able to do
it. You'll get string /copies/ and this will incur heap allocations in
the GC heap. Those languages /need/ good garbage collection to be
performant because they abuse the poor GC heavily.
The one thing I find missing (as of a couple months ago, anyways) is
reference counting. For soft-real-time apps it would be nice if
transitively-atomic types (ex: strings) could be reference counted.
This would allow a lot of copy-on-write standard library functions to be
called without incurring the wrath of the GC. D is already so powerful
at memory management in other regards that I won't be worrying about
this unless it gets in my way some day.
> Q. Curious, would it be compacting?
> If not then I'm stuck not using it much--
> Which leaves me with structs, and lets just say D struct are not
> impressive--
> * Oh and on a totally unrelated note, D needs Multiple return values.
> Lua has it, it's awesome. D doesn't want to be left out does it?
> * OpCmp returning an int is fugly I r sad
> * why is haskell so much shorter syntax, can D get that nice syntax
> plssssssssss
I'll stick with the comments of others for these points too.
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