The sorry state of the D stack?
spam at
Sat Oct 6 05:07:34 PDT 2012
On Saturday, 6 October 2012 at 12:06:07 UTC, Thomas Koch wrote:
> Hi,
> the subject refers to my current state of sadness after trying
> to dig into D
> programming for a few days. I've been very exited after reading
> "The D
> programming language", but I've doubts now.
> - There's no "standard" library to read a single character from
> the console.
> Instead people write their own personal helper libraries.
There is always possibility to add something more high level to
std.stdio if there will be such need.
> - I looked into GtkD, which refers to the build tool DSSS.
> However DSSS
> seems to be unmaintained for a couple of years. (Why does every
> new language
> needs its own build tool?)
There are normal Make files. DSSS is mostly for D1 (GtkD also
supports D1).
For building on Windows you also got possibility to use bud tool
(you don't need to play with Make files)
> - I looked for a PostgreSQL client library. I found small
> personal hacks and
> dead projects.
You want pure C-like headers or Wrapper?
There is for example SQLd : or
And lots of other projects. To be honest there are TONS of such
things on Github.
> - I looked at - most forums are
> dead.
DSource is mostly DEAD space. It should be mentioned somewhere
that DSource is graveyard for old, mostly D1 abandoned projects.
> Is it possible that D is a dead language?
Nope, it isn't
> For a newbie like me it would be
> very helpful to have a list of good, healthy projects for my
> first steps in
> D instead of finding cadavers all around.
Yea, I get your point, I was thinking the same at the begging I
tried D.
But IRC channel, #d @ freenode can help a lot if resolving your
> Typesafe, the company behind
> Scala, maintains a "Typesafe Stack" of active, recommendable
> projects.
> Please don't be offended by this message. I just wanted to
> provide feedback
> and will keep trying to get into D. Thank you very much for
> this wonderful
> language!
> Best regards, Thomas Koch
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