Import improvement

Peter Alexander at
Mon Oct 15 07:20:46 PDT 2012

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 13:46:43 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> I don't think import should make the difference between 
> packages/modules and module content.
> The example you take is only ambiguous if std is both a package 
> and a module which isn't allowed anyway now. It is a point on 
> which people are willing to advance already (Andrei have made a 
> proposal about it).

My example with module std works as of DMD 2.060, and I can't see 
anything in the spec that says it is disallowed, or are you 
saying that it has been agreed that it will be disallowed in the 

> I'm against introducing more new syntax to import. import is 
> already a complex beast.

I agree, but I also don't like the idea of using the same syntax 
to mean two different things.

import foo : bar, baz;

Is this selectively importing symbols or is it importing two 
modules? This is mildly confusing for the programmer, and 
complicates parsing.

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