alias A = B; syntax

Rob T rob at
Tue Oct 16 00:52:50 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 at 05:27:53 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> I'm unaware of any real difference between the two other than 
> those I already
> mentioned. They're pretty much the same thing, so I don't know 
> why you're
> saying that they're different.

Different, as in the ways you've mentioned :)

In response to the OP, I initially felt the same way, but it can 
be argued that the current syntax is more applicable to the type 
declaration syntax.

If we compare the proposed alternate syntax with current, which 
is better?

alias int Int;
Int x = 0;


alias Int = int;
Int x = 0;

When I compare the two in this way, I'm inclined to keep things 
as they are.


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