Is there any way to create something like this?

RenatoUtsch renatoutsch at
Mon Oct 22 08:17:19 PDT 2012

That static version you made Adam was just perfect for what I 

Thanks for the help!


On Sunday, 21 October 2012 at 15:19:24 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Sunday, 21 October 2012 at 13:10:16 UTC, RenatoUtsch wrote:
>> Is there any way to make the GeneralLibrary class and the 
>> createLibrary() (or even better, make the GeneralLibrary 
>> constructor do that) to work with this kind of construction?
> Yes, there's ways to do that, but they might not be what you 
> had in mind, because you'll either have to use different static 
> types for each version or make GeneralLibrary a dynamic type, 
> which means it will error at runtime rather than compile time.
> Either way, createLibrary will probably have to be a template.
> Here's an example of a static wrapper:
> .... I just accidentally saved over the static example with the 
> dynamic example. Ugh.
> I guess what I'll do is link it in:
> Look at the function createLibrary and pretend the 
> dynamicFunctionCall method wasn't there. That's what the static 
> example looked like - just opDispatch.
> In main, to use the static checks, you must say auto library11 
> instead of GeneralLibrary. The interface is only useful for 
> dynamic calls. auto gives you the wrapper class with static 
> checks.
> This isn't very interesting because the wrapper adds nothing; 
> you might as well just construct the original object. But you 
> could change the function in the wrapper to do something else.
> But anyway, each wrapper class created inherits from a 
> GeneralLibrary interface, so you could pass them around.. but 
> since the interface does nothing, you really have to use auto 
> on the return type to actually use the class.
> If you aren't doing anything with the wrapper, you could also 
> just alias GeneralLibrary to be the newest version of the 
> actual class too.
> Not much fun so let's look at a dynamic option. This will suck 
> too, but in different ways.
> This one won't work with overloaded functions, default 
> parameters on functions (sad, fixable in some cases, but not 
> all), has a speed hit (you could help this a bit by optimizing 
> dynamicFunctionCall, but it will always have some slowdown), 
> and returns Variants instead of the original type, which is 
> kinda annoying.
> And, of course, it is a dynamic call, so any failures will only 
> happen at runtime.
> Here's some code:
> I haven't tested it fully, but it seems to throw exceptions at 
> the right times for the simple functions in here.
> This code is messier and includes a compiler bug hack (I 
> think)... but it worked. There's some comments in there to talk 
> about what it does.
> End result:
> given
>     GeneralLibrary library11 = createLibrary!("1.1");
>     library11.func1(); // Should work
>     library11.func11(); // Should work
>     library11.func12(); // Should fail // line 103
> Will throw at runtime:
> test4.NoSuchMethodException at test4.d(103): No such method: func12
> And it *should* work with types too, still doing strong type 
> checks, but doing them at runtime for the arguments. All return 
> values for these functions are wrapped in Variants, so you'll 
> have to pull them out dynamically too..
> You could probably combine these two examples and have static 
> types if you use auto and dynamic if you use the GeneralLibrary 
> interface.
> Another option might be to have the createLibrary function be 
> aware of all the versions - you'd have to hard code a list that 
> it can read at compile time - and then do the kind of thing in 
> the static example, but trying to cast to the newer versions of 
> the class and throwing if it fails. Then you'd keep the static 
> types, but get dynamic checks on if the method is available.
> This would be just a loop, cast to a newer class, if not null 
> and the call compiles, call the function.
> I'm out of screwing around time this morning so I won't write 
> this one up, but  it should be doable.

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