SCons and gdc

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Mon Oct 22 12:41:22 PDT 2012

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 09:15:01PM +0200, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 08:14 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
> >It is, and has been for months.
> The upstream source is up to date, but there are no packaged
> versions that I'm aware of and building it from source on a
> Debian/Ubuntu system has proven somewhat tricky (not just for me,
> see current d.gnu discussion).
> Not demanding a solution, just saying. :-)

I've managed to build git GDC on Debian unstable (64-bit), and have just
added the instructions to:

I used the gdc-4.7 branch of GDC git, which unfortunately has a bug in
the script, so your best bet is to checkout my fixed fork:

I've submitted a pull request for the fork, but that was only today, so
it probably won't get committed until a bit later.

If you want, I can send you the build script I have, that contains all
the commands (well, hopefully all) to unpack, patch, and build the
Debian GCC sources (patched with GDC, of course). If all goes well, it
should provide you with a working GDC. :)

This is only the gdc-4.7 branch, though; git master isn't building on my
system because the gcc build script mistakes Walter's pathological
naming of C++ source files with a .c extension for actual C code, which
causes it to invoke the wrong compiler and produce reams and reams of
compile errors before dying miserably. I'm still trying to figure out
how to fix this.

(P.S. GCC's build system seriously needs a major overhaul. It's
extremely fragile and completely unfriendly when it comes to telling you
what the problem is when it fails. The error message is often faaaar
away from the real source of the problem, and often has no indication
whatsoever as to what the nature of the real problem is. I spent at
least 2 whole days fighting with it before I figured out how to pacify
it enough for the build to succeed. I wouldn't wish this experience on


It's bad luck to be superstitious. -- YHL

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