DConf 2013 on kickstarter.com: we're live!

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 23 06:12:37 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 23 October 2012 at 11:46:11 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> On 23 October 2012 12:34, jerro <a at a.com> wrote:
>>> Perhaps FSF would help or some other open-source funding 
>>> organisation?
>> Wouldn't FSF have issues with the reference implementation's 
>> back end not being free software?
> We aren't celebrating dmd here, we are celebrating the D 
> programming language, which is a F/OSS project.

  I don't think FSF would be that picky. As Iain said, it's about 
the D language which is an open spec, and progress in the 
community as a whole. Afterall, if we were getting together to 
talk about AWK, they may contribute even considering a free 
version (Gawk) is available, and it isn't about which version you 
run at all. But the spec not being ANSI managed may provide some 

  I may get this wrong, but my understanding FSF's view (and 
spirit thereof) is about keeping the freedom; IE: Learning from 
eachother (be it mistakes or otherwise), enable the willingness 
to fix (or offer fixes), and allow you to improve any given piece 
of software with no personal or financial gain from it, out of 
only the love and want to help the community as a whole.

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