Make [was Re: SCons and gdc]

1100110 0b1100110 at
Tue Oct 23 18:55:52 PDT 2012

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:49:45 -0500, Rob T <rob at> wrote:

> I may be getting messed up by the way modules map directly to folder  
> structures, and how to separate an interface from the implementation.
> Eg. import A.m1;
> I understand that the above import requires that a folder "A" be found  
> at the root level of the source folder (where ever it may be), and  
> module m1.d must be located directly in A. So far so good, however A may  
> be located in a folder outside of the current project. For example, the  
> std lib imports are located outside you projects root folder (this is a  
> goal to acheive what I want to reproduce with my own D prebuilt  
> libraries).
> When I try to import from another project located in another set of  
> folders, how do I tell the compiler to start looking at a certain point?
> For example
> /projects/
>       /p1
>           /src
>               /A
>               /B
>               /C
>       /p2
>           /src
>               /D
>               /E
>               /F
> With the above folder structiure, how can I get this to work?
> import A.m1;
> import D.m2;
> I may be able to manually get something to work, but how can it be  
> automated with scons? I know I'll have to manually supply the project  
> search paths somehow, but will scons be able to figure out that "import  
> D.m2;" means to look under /projects/p2/src/D/?
> Also if I make an edit to D/m2.d will scons be able to figure out that  
> D/m2.d needs to be rebuilt and/or that all files that import D/m2.d must  
> be rebuilt?
> In C/C++ full rebuilding is only required when header files (.h) are  
> modified and included, not when the implementation is modified. How do  
> we make the distinction between the interface and the implementation in  
> D?
> Perhaps I should be building interface files (.di), how is that done and  
> how do you refer to them after they are built?
> Finally how do you specify an alternate folder for dumping the build  
> stuff to separate it from being dumped into your source folders? Also  
> how to you specify an installation folder, eg /usr/local/bin along with  
> location of necessary import folders. I definitely do not want to  
> install full source code so that imports will work, so I assume the .di  
> files are installed instead.
> I know I'm asking a lot of basic questions which means I havn't much  
> clue how to build D apps yet, so are there any good examples or  
> documentation I can look at that will supply me with the answers?
> ps: I'm an experienced C++ programmer, so the tendancy is to replicate  
> the same practice, however I'm definietly open to better ways that make  
> the most out of D.
> Thanks for any help you gave give!
> --rt
rdmd -Ip1/src -Ip2/src appThatImports.d

Or dmd appThatImports.d p1/src/A/m1.d p2/src/B/m2.d.
But you might still need the -I flag for the second, I don't remember...

I prefer simply using rdmd and -I flags to figure out the import paths.

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