[RFC] ColorD

Tobias Pankrath tobias at pankrath.net
Fri Oct 26 04:56:28 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 23 October 2012 at 22:47:40 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 3:55 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:> On 10/22/12 
> 9:47 AM, Jens Mueller wrote:
> >> This is probably interesting for Phobos. But I'm not the one
> to make a
> >> decision. The core Phobos developers should decide.
> >> Hopefully somebody is reading this.
> >
> > Off the top of my head something that is specific for only
> certain systems
> > (Unixen in this case) is decidedly of less Phobos interest.
> We could,
> > nevertheless, put such functionality in system-specific
> modules.
> A module that only sets the console color is a little too light 
> to be a phobos entry.
> A more comprehensive module that included:
> 1. getting mouse input
> 2. getting size of the console
> 3. moving the cursor around
> 4. drawing boxes in the console window
> 5. setting the contents of the title bar
> 6. supporting cut/paste
> 7. getting no-echo raw input
> 8. setting the size of the cursor
> would be a definite candidate. I.e. a module that can support 
> building a text mode screen app (like a text editor).

This would look like a full blown TUI-Toolkit and we should model
the API
after successfull GUI-Frameworks like Qt, i.e. provide a event
loop, use
a Signal/Slot mechanism etc.

That would be a real improvement over nCurses. What do you think?

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