Breaking out of multiple loops

Michel Colman michelcolman at
Wed Sep 5 05:40:35 PDT 2012

I have a very simple suggestion for breaking out of nested loops.

Currently, there are a few ways of breaking out of multiple 
nested loops but they all have unnecessary drawbacks:
- exceptions (performance penalty, complexity)
- using boolean flags that are checked in every iteration 
(performance hit)
- goto (ugly, generally frowned apon, although this is often 
cited as one of the few cases where using goto is actually 
acceptable, which says a lot about the lack of other options)

I propose an extremely simple solution that is probably very easy 
to implement in compilers:

break break; // breaks out of two loops
break break break; // breaks out of three loops
break break continue; // jumps to the end of the third enclosing 

You might also introduce a shorthand version for breaking out of 
a whole lot of loops:
break 5; // breaks out of 5 loops

And, why not,
break 5 continue; // jumps to the end of the sixth enclosing loop

What do you think?

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