pointers, functions, and uniform call syntax
monarchdodra at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 00:39:32 PDT 2012
On Thursday, 6 September 2012 at 06:18:11 UTC, Era Scarecrow
> On Wednesday, 5 September 2012 at 11:01:50 UTC, Artur Skawina
> wrote:
>> On 09/04/12 20:19, Era Scarecrow wrote:
>>> I ask you, how do you check if it's a null pointer? &s?
>> Yes, obviously. If you need to do that manually.
>>> int getx(ref S s)
>>> //How does this make sense?? it looks wrong and is misleading
>>> in {assert(&s); }
>>> body {return s.x); }
>> It looks correct and is perfectly obvious. But see below - you
>> don't need to do this manually - the compiler does it for you
>> when calling methods and could handle the UFCS case too.
> I've been thinking about this; It would definitely be the
> wrong thing to do. The assert would _Always_ succeed. The
> address you get would be of the pointer/reference for the stack
> (the pointer variable exists, where it points to isn't so much
> the case), so it would be the same as comparing it to this...
> int getx(S* s)
> in {assert(&s);} //always true, and always wrong.
That is absolutely not true at all. Behind the scenes, *passing*
a ref is the same as passing a pointer, yes, but afterwards, they
are different entities. If you request the address of the
reference, it *will* give you the address of the referenced
object. It is NOT the same as what you just wrote:
import std.stdio;
struct S
int i;
void foo(ref S s)
writeln("address of s is: ", &s);
void main()
S* p;
address of s is: null
core.exception.AssertError at main(11): Assertion failure
> As I mentioned, it's wrong and is misleading. You'd have to
> work around the system to get the check correct; and even then
> if the compile decides to do something different you can only
> have it implementation dependent.
> int getx(ref S s)
> in {
> S *ptr = cast(S*) s;
> assert(ptr);
> }
> I'm not even sure this would even work (it's undefined
> afterall). I hope I never have to start adding such odd looking
> checks, else I would throw out ref and use pointers instead; At
> least with them the checks are straight-forward in comparison.
Again, a reference and a pointer are not the same thing. That
cast is illegal.
main.d(10): Error: e2ir: cannot cast s of type S to type S*
But *this* is legal and good though:
int getx(ref S s)
in {
S *ptr = &s;
Although it is just transforming the initial 1-liner into a
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