What guarantees does D 'const' provide, compared to C++?

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 7 06:42:20 PDT 2012

On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 18:14:27 -0400, Mehrdad <wfunction at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Something I'm having trouble undertanding/remembering (sorry, you've  
> probaby already explained it a billion times)...
> I remember being told many times that D's 'const' provides stronger  
> guarantees than C++'s 'const'.
> I just wanted to clarify, is that true for 'const' itself, or is that  
> referring only to when 'const' is used with other D-specific features  
> (immutable, etc.)?

I know this is old, just going through my backlog of unread newsgroup  

someone else correctly pointed out that const guarantees make it a viable  
interface for both immutable and mutable data.  In other words, it  
provides the ability to write a function that accepts both mutable and  
immutable data, rather than having to write two such functions that would  
be identical.

I look at it like this:

immutable provides guarantees such that statically-checked pure is  
const provides guarantees such that I don't have to repeat myself for  
inout provides similar benefits as const, but allows me to to use chaining  
without repeating myself for everything.

> If it's the former, is there some example piece of code in each  
> language, for comparison, that shows how the compiler can infer more  
> from D's const than C++'s?

It's the latter, not the former.  The compiler cannot make any assumptions  
unless the other guarantees (particularly immutable) are involved.

For example, consider the following function:

int foo(const int *x, int *y)
    *y += *x;
    return *x;

If compiled without any context, the compiler *must* re-load *x from  
memory, because potentially x == y.

However, if called like this:

int bar(immutable int *x, int *y)
    return foo(x, y);

now, if foo is inlined inside of bar, it *can* make the assumption that x  
!= y, and so a reload of *x is not necessary (it must be unchanged).


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