Eliminate redundancy of dup/idup
kenji hara
k.hara.pg at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 08:32:10 PDT 2012
I've posted two pull requests for the purpose.
inout parameter and strongly purity function can realize this.
The new dup function's signature is:
auto dup(E)(inout(E)[] arr) pure @trusted;
If E has some mutable indirections (class, struct has mutable
pointers, array, etc),
dup would return inout(E). And the purity of dup function is
calculated to 'constant purity'.
Then the elements of returned value keep original type modifier.
class C {}
struct S { int* ptr; }
C[] carr;
S[] sarr;
int[][] aarr;
static assert(is(typeof(dup(carr)) == C[]));
static assert(is(typeof(dup(sarr)) == S[]));
static assert(is(typeof(dup(aarr)) == int[][]));
If E does not have mutable indirection (built-in types, struct don't
have pointers, etc),
dup would return E[]. And the purity of dup function is calculated to
'strong purity'.
Then returned value can be implicitly convertible to immutable(E[]).
struct S { long value; }
S[] sarr;
int[] narr;
static assert(is(typeof(dup(sarr)) == S[]));
static assert(is(typeof(dup(parr)) == int*[]));
immutable S[] isarr = dup(sarr); // allowed!
immutable int[] inarr = dup(narr); // allowed!
And today, dup function is used with UFCS.
int[] marr;
immutable int[] iarr = marr.dup();
Finally, built-in dup and idup are merged into library dup(). Destroy!
Kenji Hara
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