classes structs
David Currie
curriedr at
Mon Sep 17 22:07:43 PDT 2012
On Saturday, 15 September 2012 at 10:58:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> Classes are polymorphic. They have inheritance and virtual
> functions.
> Polymorphism makes no sense with a variable on the stack.
> Having inheritance
> with objects on the stack risks object slicing (
> ). Sure, you _can_
> have a
> polymorphic object which is on the stack (which is why C++
> allows classes on
> the stack and why D has std.typecons.scoped), but it's the sort
> of thing that
> tends to be begging for bugs.
> The designers of D decided that it's was cleaner and safer to
> separate objects
> which were meant to be polymorphic and those which were meant
> to be non-
> polymorphic (as is often considered best practice in C++), and
> since having
> polymorphic objects means that you're not using their
> polymorphism and having
> them on the stack can be dangerous, it was decided to follow
> Java and C#'s
> example and make all classes into reference types which live on
> the heap
> (though unlike Java and C#, we _can_ put such objects on the
> stack if we
> really want to via std.typecons.scoped). But unlike Java and
> C#, we have
> structs which are full-on objects with constructors and
> destructors and are
> the same in classes in pretty much every way except that they
> have no
> polymorphism and normally go on the stack.
> The result is safer than what C++ has but is still very
> powerful. And since
> it's arguably best practice not to put objects which are meant
> to use
> polymorphism on the stack in C++ anyway, it's not even really
> restricting you
> from much in comparison to C++ (and std.typecons.scoped makes
> it possible to
> put classes on the stack if you really want to, making the
> restrictions even
> less).
> You can like it or not, but separating structs and classes and
> making classes
> reference types on the heap is a design decision based on the
> best practices
> and common bugs in C++. And it works very well. Upon occasion,
> it can be
> limiting (hence why we have std.typecons.scoped), but I don't
> think that
> you're going to find very many D programmers who think that the
> separation of
> structs and classes was a bad idea.
> You should keep in mind that D's general philosophy is to make
> the defaults
> safe but to allow you to do more powerful, dangerous stuff when
> you need to.
> The result is that it's just as powerful as C++ when you need
> it to be but
> that it's a lot safer in general, meaning that you're going to
> have fewer bugs
> in your code.
> A prime example of this is the fact that all variables are
> default-
> initialized. This way, you never have problems with variables
> being
> initialized to garbage, which can cause non-deterministic,
> hard-to-track-down
> bugs. But if you really need the extra speed of a variable not
> being
> initialized when it's declared, then you can initialize it to
> void. e.g.
> int i = void;
> This makes it so that code is far less error-prone in general
> while still
> allowing you to have the same down to the metal speed that
> C/C++ offers when
> you really need it. And it's that philosophy which governs a
> lot of D's
> features.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I have SO MANY issues with the above statements I wouldnt know
where to start.
I have been attempting to raise these (and many related) issues
Firstly, responding in particular to Jonathan M Davis (albeit
rather late),
I concede your comments are made in good faith and are even
My problem is that they are INSUFFICIENT.
I haven't announced to regular viewers that I STARTED these
issues by writing direct to Walter (twice) that I had some
language extension IDEAS I thought would be VALUABLE to ALL. Such
Ideas would make a welcome addition to ANY language but for me D
comes closest.
(A C like language with NO header files alone is worth 50%).
Naturally all he could really do was to send me along to the
However, I can see that if I am to receive the usual polite
and I really wish to make a POINT I'd better be armed.
I would need to be able to speak your language (learn D)
before I should expect you to speak mine (implement My Ideas).
I can see here that my best bet is to learn D.
Can one learn it all online? What is the best D book?
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