Extending unittests [proposal] [Proof Of Concept]

Jens Mueller jens.k.mueller at gmx.de
Fri Sep 21 13:57:52 PDT 2012

Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2012-09-21 16:37, Jens Mueller wrote:
> >If there are use cases I agree. I do not know one.
> >The question whether there are *tools* that report in case of success is
> >easier to verify. Do you know any tool that does reporting in case
> >success? I think gtest does not do it. I'm not sure about JUnit.
> >But of course if a unittest has additional information and that is
> >already implemented or easy to implement fine with me. My point is more
> >that for the common cases you do not need this. Maybe in most. Maybe in
> >all.
> Test::Unit, the default testing framework for Ruby on Rails prints a
> dot for each successful test.

That is fine. But you don't need the name of the unittest then.


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