DIP19: Remove comma operator from D and provision better syntactic support for tuples
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sun Sep 23 15:48:22 PDT 2012
On 9/23/12 5:57 PM, deadalnix wrote:
> Le 23/09/2012 23:52, Nick Sabalausky a écrit :
>> Ok, here's a crazy idea:
>> Do the reasons for explicit tuple-expansion necessarily apply to
>> zero- and one-element tuples? I'm not so sure. Suppose we allowed
>> implicit expansion on those...
>> Now I know what you're thinking: That would be an ugly inconsistency
>> between tuples of sizes>1 vs<=1. Well, *mechanically* yes, but
>> consider this:
>> *Logically* speaking, is there really any difference between a
>> one-element tuple and an ordinary single value? I don't think so, and
>> here's why: What is a tuple, logically speaking? Multiple values being
>> handled as if they were a single value. So what's a one-element tuple?
>> *One* value being handled as if it were one value - which is *is*.
>> Similarly, a zero-element tuple is logically equivalent to void (or the
>> one value a void can have: the value void, a concept which has been
>> argued in the past that might be useful for D, particularly in
>> metaprogramming). (I admit this is a little weaker than my argument
>> for one-element tuples.)
>> So perhaps zero- and one-element tuples should be implicitly
>> convertible back and forth with void and ordinary non-tuple values,
>> respectively (polysemous values?), because that's what they essentially
>> are.
> My reflection on the subject for the past month lead me to the same
> conclusion.
This notion a lot of trouble with it; I think it's safe to abandon it
Once a one-element tuple becomes equivalent to the actual item, there's
an explosion of trouble and special cases in the language and in code
that uses it. For example, divide and conquer code that manipulates
tuples and takes t[0 .. $/2] and t[$/2+1 .. $] would suddenly get to
cases in which the slices are no longer tuples, and so on. And that's
only the beginning.
Also, having no integrated notion of a zero-element tuple would again
mess with the algebra as much as the absence of 0 would hurt numbers.
It's just troublesome.
I appreciate the attraction of this idea, but again I think it's safe to
just not even discuss it.
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