Neat: UFCS for integer dot operator suffix
monarchdodra at
Mon Sep 24 01:09:36 PDT 2012
I tried this, and found it neat that it works:
import std.traits;
@property @safe pure nothrow
T Mile(T)(T i)
if (isNumeric!T)
return i*1609.44;
T Ki(T)(T i)
if (isNumeric!T)
return i*1024;
T m(T)(T i)
if (isNumeric!T)
return i/1000;
void main()
auto medication = 60.m;
int[32.Ki] buffer;
auto parisToBerlib = 544.93.Mile;
It is not homogenous (eg, Km vs Kg vs Kv), but it makes writing
unit-less sizes pretty easy.
This has probably been discovered before, but it is new to me.
Of course, nothing that can't be done with a simple multiply, but
I found there is something more... "special"... to doing it with
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