DIP19: Remove comma operator from D and provision better syntactic support for tuples
deadalnix at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 13:37:20 PDT 2012
Le 25/09/2012 17:08, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
> On 9/25/12 10:05 AM, deadalnix wrote:
>> OK, my bad. It means that tuple(...) behave differently than T...
>> defined tuples.
>> And both behave differently than Caml or Haskell's tuples.
>> isn't the time for some unification ? Preferably on how tuples work in
>> other languages, except if limitations can be shown and better proposal
>> are made (and not include that in D2.xxx).
> I'm not sure actually. The way I look at it, built-in tuples are quite
> low-level (types can't be spelled, automatic expansion and flattening,
> undecided first-class semantics) and should seldom be dealt with
> directly. The best use of built-in tuples is in the implementation of
> truly well-behaved, composable tuples.
> Andrei
We currently have 2 type of tuples, both unsatisfying it its own way
(and I assume I can say it is confusing as I was confused before).
If the new tuple stuff is implemented, D will ends up with 3 tuples
systems, 2 of them unsatisfying and 1 of them satisfying (at least that
is the goal).
Still, language complexity would have increased in the process and have
3 time the same feature with different flavor isn't a good thing. Even
if the tuple solution is a good one, the resulting situation isn't.
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