[OT] Was: totally satisfied :D
Nick Sabalausky
SeeWebsiteToContactMe at semitwist.com
Tue Sep 25 14:36:48 PDT 2012
On Tue, 25 Sep 2012 08:10:07 -0700
"H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 09:55:48PM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > For my usual mailboxes though, I prefer typical GUI desktop clients.
> > Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to find one that I like.
> Maybe you should write one in D. ;-)
Heh, I'd love to, and I've even had that in mind for some time now (a
few years). Problem is there's a *lot* of things I'd like to do, and all
on top of other things I *have* to do ;)
My current pet project ATM is a blog^H^H^H^H*article* system using
vibe.d and Adam's HTML DOM (the combination of which are making
development a *breeze*...in the rare cases I actually get to work on
it). It won't be as fully-featured as wordpress or tangocms, but at
least it'll do what I want, how I want, and won't go anywhere near
PHP ;)
> For one thing, having a MIME library in D would be awesome.
Maybe I'm just not awake enough yet but: What exactly would it do? Just
be a mapping of "file extension" <--> "mime type"?
> I'm a big Opera fan, because Opera lets me configure stuff to work the
> way I want it to. But I never use it for mail (I don't like using a
> browser as an MUA, I think that's just feeping creaturism). And recent
> releases of Opera are starting to show signs of instability and
> excessive memory consumption, unlike earlier releases, and I'm
> starting to wonder if I might want to switch to Firefox...
Newer Operas also got rid of the "native-ish" theme, which is why I'm
not upgrading past v10. It may seem trivial, but skinned apps *really*
bug me.
I find the UIs in the FF4-onward to be completely intolerable. Even
FF3's UI was god-awful, and then they managed to make it worse with 4 by
going all "Chrome-envy".
> ... but if it's that unconfigurable, then Opera might just be the
> lesser of two evils. I have to admit that I've tried using Firefox as
> my primary browser before, and I didn't like it. It's too IE-like for
> my tastes.
That was probably a long time ago, as FF is basically a Chrome
knock-off now. Then again, so is IE now...
Speaking of, I wrote a "not-a-blog" post about these browser issues just
a few months back:
(Yea, TangoCMS uses loooong urls.)
> The result is that people revert to using table-based formatting and
Hey, I *like* table-based formatting :). Beats the hell out of trying to
kluge together sane layouts/flowing with CSS. And nobody's
ever going to convince me that HTML isn't the presentation layer.
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