dynamic library building and loading

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Wed Sep 26 10:58:12 PDT 2012

Haven't done any dynamic linking with D and I need to. I'm using dmd 
2.058/Linux at work to build and use dynamic libraries. Here's my attempt:

*** Makefile
all: main lib.so

main: main.d
	dmd main

lib.so: lib.d
	dmd -fPIC -shared lib.d -of./lib.so

*** lib.d
extern(C) int fun(string s)
     return 42;

*** main.d
import std.stdio;
void main()

Running make prints:

dmd -fPIC -shared lib.d -of./lib.so
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when 
making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

What steps do I need to take to get off the ground?



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