dynamic library building and loading
spam at dzfl.pl
Wed Sep 26 13:16:17 PDT 2012
On Wednesday, 26 September 2012 at 20:10:47 UTC, Michael wrote:
>> Thanks. The loading part is very useful, but I'm still lost
>> when it comes to build the shared library itself.
>> Andrei
> Program loads dll at runtime using loader which is configured
> to load concrete dll file(s). Like in gtkD
> http://www.dsource.org/projects/gtkd/browser/trunk/src/gtkc/Loader.d
Loading Shared lib isn't big issues here.
The bigger one is building Shared library (written in D) and
running it in host application without issues (EH, shared GC etc).
Andrei, if you find out how to make those things work, please
share your findings. I'm also in need of using shared libraries.
And yeah, probably Martin Nowak will be the best bet to get
information from.
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