OSX users out there? Serious bug (I think)
Denis Shelomovskij
verylonglogin.reg at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 00:20:26 PDT 2013
01.04.2013 20:19, Nick Sabalausky пишет:
> On Mon, 01 Apr 2013 11:50:22 -0400
> Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:
>> On 4/1/13 11:21 AM, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
>>> 01.04.2013 0:02, monarch_dodra пишет:
>>>> This is a two part post.
>>>> The reason I'm worried about this bug is that the only condition
>>>> that seems to trigger it passing an object that has a destructor.
>>>> I find this is very bothersome, because it can happen with
>>>> perfectly safe code, and its "observable condition" is perfectly
>>>> undefined. Finally, it only appears in -O, biting you in the ass
>>>> in the worst possible moment.
>>> Nothing personal, I do respect you, but
>>> Bitch please!
>> [snip]
>> Denis, the above (as well as most of the message that follows) is
>> entirely inappropriate. It's also compounded by your antics on
>> github, where your contributions are marred by a tendency to bully
>> other contributors and to convert most every disagreement into
>> strife. I have repeatedly asked you kindly to correct that behavior
>> to no effect.
>> Remember, nobody's holding a gun to your head; the door is always
>> open for entering as well as leaving. It is entirely understandable
>> if you find D unfit for whatever you do, or if its development
>> process is not to your satisfaction. But this ongoing attitude of
>> playing the victim, interpreting the team's shortcomings as
>> incompetence doubled by malice, and picking fights left and right, is
>> not helping you or anybody.
>> I compel you again to revise your attitude toward the people you work
>> and interact with in the forum and on github. If that does not
>> happen, I will propose to the core team that your github account is
>> banned from our project. Sorry it had to come to this.
> Geez. It just sounded like a reasonable expression of frustration to me.
> *I've* said shit on here that was *far* less level-headed. More than
> once.
> But then, I never said anything implying an inability to use D
> reliably. So I can't help wondering if there's some PR-motivated bias
> here. Well, ok, I *do* realize there probably isn't, but when you
> respond with the threat of a ban to a fairly reasonable post about
> frustrations from having major trouble with the language, then
> first of all, that overreacting, but worse: people can easily
> misconstrue that as an attempt to sweep real problems things under the
> rug. I know nobody's trying to do that, but we definitely don't want
> people thinking we are. And that definitely makes it look like we are.
The Andrei wrote it not just because of a "fairly reasonable post" but
because of my steady disrespectful behaviour (see [1] for a "light"
example) in pull request discussions which does worth a ban.
Also, Nick, if you have time, could you show me, how do you suggest "to
use D reliably" in non toy Windows projects as you "never said anything"
against it?
Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij
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