DIP33: A standard exception hierarchy
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.net
Tue Apr 2 13:00:57 PDT 2013
On Monday, 1 April 2013 at 23:03:56 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Monday, April 01, 2013 13:08:15 Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
>> It's time to clean up this mess.
>> http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP33
> Another concern I have is InvalidArgumentError. There _are_
> cases where it
> makes sense for invalid arguments to be an error, but there are
> also plenty of
> cases where it should be an exception (TimeException is
> frequently used in
> that way), so we may or may not want an
> InvalidArgumentException, but if you
> do that, you run the risk of making it too easy to confuse the
> two, thereby
> causing nasty bugs. And most of the cases where
> InvalidArgumentError makes
> sense could simply be an assertion in an in contract, so I
> don't know that
> it's really needed or even particularly useful. In general, I
> think that
> having a variety of Exception types is valuable, because you
> catch exceptions
> based on their type, but with Errors, you're really not
> supposed to catch
> them, so having different Error types is of questionable value.
> That doesn't
> mean that we shouldn't ever do it, but they need a very good
> reason to exist
> given the relative lack of value that they add.
I definitely don't think we need an IllegalArgumentException.
IMO, passing illegal arguments is 1) a simple programming error,
in which case it should be an Error, or 2) something the
programmer can not avoid, in which case it requires a better
description of why things went wrong than just "illegal
argument". "File not found", for example.
I didn't really consider contracts when I wrote the DIP, and of
course there will always be the problem of "should this be a
contract or a normal input check?" The problem with contracts,
though, is that they go away in release mode, which is certainly
not safe if that is your error handling mechanism.
> Also, if you're suggesting that these be _all_ of the exception
> types in
> Phobos, I don't agree. I think that there's definite value in
> having specific
> exception types for specific sections of code (e.g.
> TimeException for time-
> related code or CSVException in std.csv). It's just that they
> should be put in
> a proper place in the hierarchy so that users of the library
> can choose to
> catch either the base class or the derived class depending on
> how specific
> their error handling needs to be and on whatever else their
> code is doing. We
> _do_ want to move away from simply declaring module-specific
> exception types,
> but sometimes modules _should_ have specific exception types.
There may of course be, and probably are, a need for more
exceptions than what I've listed in the DIP. The idea was to
make a pattern, a system, to which more exceptions can be added
if strictly necessary. I do think, however, that we should try
to keep the number at a minimum, and that we should NOT create
new classes for every little detail that can go wrong.
> The focus needs to be on creating a hierarchy that aids in
> error handling, so
> what exceptions we have should be based on what types of things
> it makes sense
> to catch in order to handle those errors specifically rather
> than them being
> treated as a general error, or even a general error of a
> specific category.
> Having a solid hierarchy is great and very much needed, but I
> fear that your
> DIP is too focused on getting rid of exception types rather
> than shifting them
> into their proper place in the exception hierarchy. In some
> cases, that _does_
> mean getting rid of exception types, but I think that on the
> whole, it's more
> of a case of creating new base classes for existing exceptions
> so that we have
> key base classes in the hierarchy. The DIP focuses on those
> base classes but
> seems to want to get rid of the rest, and I think that that's a
> mistake.
It aims to get rid of the ones that don't add any value.
> One more thing that I would point out is that your definition of
> DocParseException won't fly. file and line already exist in
> Exception with
> different meanings, so you'd need different names for them in
> DocParseException.
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