OSX users out there? Serious bug (I think)
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Wed Apr 3 13:54:27 PDT 2013
On 4/3/13 3:40 PM, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
> 03.04.2013 21:35, Andrei Alexandrescu пишет:
>> On 4/2/13 4:45 AM, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
>>> I'm worrying about newbies who can start using the language as there is
>>> no warning on the main site about some shortcomings everybody have to be
>>> informed about. Damn, `std.stdio.File` is positioned as an official and
>>> working thing to read/write files (it is even on the main page) what can
>>> I add?
>> You definitely can add the File-related bugzilla numbers that prevent
>> you from getting work done. (Allow me to add some meta-text here - the
>> above paragraph's rhetoric is exactly what I'm talking about that
>> doesn't help. If the focus is adding value, then mentioning the exact
>> issues would definitely be better than sarcastic hyperbole.)
> This is "Issue 7648 - std.stdio expects file names to be encoded in
> CP_ACP on Windows instead of UTF-8" [1]. I also opened a pull with
> cautionary note [2].
> [1] http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7648
> [2] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/1238
Great, thanks! Could someone with more experience in Windows review and
pull this comment? What would be the design of a fix?
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