Formal Review of std.process

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at
Thu Apr 4 15:18:21 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 4 April 2013 at 21:59:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
> escapeShellCommand, escapeWindowsArgument, escapeShellFileName 
> - in which way differ and why it's not one function?

Because they do different things. The escaping rules are 

See the example on escapeShellCommand for how to use them.

> Why escapeWindowsArgument exists without posix counterpart?

escapeWindowsArgument is needed for building e.g. DMD response 
files on any platform. escapePosixArgument exists, but it is 
private/undocumented. It could be made public if someone requests 

Note that these functions aren't new - I've written them for the 
old std.process a while ago.

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