Formal Review of std.process

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at
Sat Apr 6 01:58:21 PDT 2013

On Friday, 5 April 2013 at 06:33:24 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
>> There was a recent thread [1] about deepening Phobos' module 
>> hierarchy, and it seems that most people agree this is 
>> something that should eventually happen.
>> In light of this, here's a suggestion:  How about we, rather 
>> than updating the old std.process, create a new module called 
>> std.sys.process?  Or even better, IMO, std.sys.environment and 
>> std.sys.pipe as well as std.sys.process?
> Why std.sys? sys is used to group platform specific stuff in 
> the runtime. So I would expect to have a std.sys.linux.process 
> and a std.sys.posix.process etc.

I'd prefer to have an std.process package, but that is currently 
not possible.  I agree std.sys is a bit misleading.

Nevermind my suggenstion, then.  If DIP16 gets implemented, we 
can always split std.process into std.process.manage, 
std.process.environment, std.process.old, etc.


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