Disable GC entirely

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Sun Apr 7 23:38:17 PDT 2013

On Monday, 8 April 2013 at 06:35:27 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> On Monday, 8 April 2013 at 03:13:00 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> On 7 April 2013 20:59, Paulo Pinto <pjmlp at progtools.org> wrote:
>>> I am not giving up speed. It just happens that I have been 
>>> coding since
>>> 1986 and I am a polyglot programmer that started doing system 
>>> programming
>>> in the Pascal family of languages, before moving into C and 
>>> C++ land.
>>> Except for some cases, it does not matter if you get an 
>>> answer in 1s or
>>> 2ms, however most single language C and C++ developers care 
>>> about the 2ms
>>> case even before starting to code, this is what I don't 
>>> approve.
>> Bear in mind, most remaining C/C++ programmers are realtime 
>> programmers,
>> and that 2ms is 12.5% of the ENTIRE AMOUNT OF TIME that you 
>> have to run
>> realtime software.
>> If I chose not to care about 2ms only 8 times, I'll have no 
>> time left. I
>> would cut off my left nut for 2ms most working days!
>> I typically measure execution times in 10s of microseconds, if 
>> something
>> measures in milliseconds it's a catastrophe that needs to be 
>> urgently
>> addressed... and you're correct, as a C/C++ programmer, I DO 
>> design with
>> consideration for sub-ms execution times before I write a 
>> single line of
>> code.
>> Consequently, I have seen the GC burn well into the ms on 
>> occasion, and as
>> such, it is completely unacceptable in realtime software.
> I do understand that, the thing is that since I am coding in 
> 1986, I remember people complaining that C and Turbo Pascal 
> were too slow, lets code everything in Assembly. Then C became 
> alright, but C++ and Ada were too slow, god forbid to call 
> virtual methods or do any operator calls in C++'s case.
> Afterwards the same discussion came around with JVM and .NET 
> environments, which while making GC widespread, also had the 
> sad side-effect to make younger generations think that safe 
> languages require a VM when that is not true.
> Nowadays template based code beats C, systems programming is 
> moving to C++ in mainstream OS, leaving C behind, while some 
> security conscious areas are adopting Ada and Spark.
> So for me when someone claims about the speed benefits of C and 
> C++ currently have, I smile as I remember having this kind of 
> discussions with C having the role of too slow language.
>> Walter's claim is that D's inefficient GC is mitigated by the 
>> fact that D
>> produces less garbage than other languages, and this is true 
>> to an extent.
>> But given that is the case, to be reliable, it is of critical 
>> importance
>> that:
>> a) the programmer is aware of every allocation they are 
>> making, they can't
>> be hidden inside benign looking library calls like 
>> toUpperInPlace.
>> b) all allocations should be deliberate.
>> c) helpful messages/debugging features need to be available to 
>> track where
>> allocations are coming from. standardised statistical output 
>> would be most
>> helpful.
>> d) alternatives need to be available for the functions that 
>> allocate by
>> nature, or an option for user-supplied allocators, like STL, 
>> so one can
>> allocate from a pool instead.
>> e) D is not very good at reducing localised allocations to the 
>> stack, this
>> needs some attention. (array initialisation is particularly 
>> dangerous)
>> f) the GC could do with budgeting controls. I'd like to assign 
>> it 150us per
>> 16ms, and it would defer excess workload to later frames.
> No doubt D's GC needs to be improved, but I doubt making D a 
> manual memory managed language will improve the language's 
> adoption, given that all new system programming languages 
> either use GC or reference counting as default memory 
> management.
> What you need is a way to do controlled allocations for the few 
> cases that there is no way around it, but this should be 
> reserved for modules with system code and not scattered 
> everywhere.
>> Of course I think given time D compilers will be able to 
>> achieve C++ like
>>> performance, even with GC or who knows, a reference counted 
>>> version.
>>> Nowadays the only place I do manual memory management is when 
>>> writing
>>> Assembly code.
>> Apparently you don't write realtime software. I get so 
>> frustrated on this
>> forum by how few people care about realtime software, or any 
>> architecture
>> other than x86 (no offense to you personally, it's a general 
>> observation).
>> Have you ever noticed how smooth and slick the iPhone UI 
>> feels? It runs at
>> 60hz and doesn't miss a beat. It wouldn't work in D.
>> Video games can't stutter, audio/video processing can't 
>> stutter. ....
> I am well aware of that and actually I do follow the game 
> industry quite closely, being my second interest after 
> systems/distributed computing. And I used to be a IGDA member 
> for quite a few years.
> However I do see a lot of games being pushed out the door in 
> Java, C# with local optimizations done in C and C++.
> Yeah most of they are no AAA, but that does make them less 
> enjoyable.


Yeah most of they are no AAA, but that does not make them less

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