Disable GC entirely

Manu turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 01:31:17 PDT 2013

On 8 April 2013 17:59, Dicebot <m.strashun at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday, 8 April 2013 at 06:35:27 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> I do understand that, the thing is that since I am coding in 1986, I
>> remember people complaining that C and Turbo Pascal were too slow, lets
>> code everything in Assembly. Then C became alright, but C++ and Ada were
>> too slow, god forbid to call virtual methods or do any operator calls in
>> C++'s case.
>> Afterwards the same discussion came around with JVM and .NET
>> environments, which while making GC widespread, also had the sad
>> side-effect to make younger generations think that safe languages require a
>> VM when that is not true.
>> Nowadays template based code beats C, systems programming is moving to
>> C++ in mainstream OS, leaving C behind, while some security conscious areas
>> are adopting Ada and Spark.
>> So for me when someone claims about the speed benefits of C and C++
>> currently have, I smile as I remember having this kind of discussions with
>> C having the role of too slow language.
> But important question is "what has changed?". Was it just shift in
> programmer opinion and they initially mislabeled C code as slow or progress
> in compiler optimizations was real game-breaker? Same for GC's and VM's.
> It may be perfectly possible to design GC that suits real-time needs and
> is fast enough (well, Manu has mentioned some of requirements it needs to
> satisfy). But if embedded developers need to wait until tool stack that
> advanced is produced for D to use it - it is pretty much same as saying
> that D is dead for embedded. Mythical "clever-enough compilers" are good in
> theory but job needs to be done right now.

D for embedded, like PROPER embedded (microcontrollers, or even raspberry
pi maybe?) is one area where most users would be happy to use a custom
druntime like the ones presented earlier in this thread where it's
strategically limited in scope and designed not to allocate. 'Really
embedded' software tends not to care so much about portability.
A bigger problem is D's executable size, which are rather 'plump' to be
frank :P
Last time I tried to understand this, one main issue was objectfactory, and
the inability to strip out unused classinfo structures (and other junk).
Any unused data should be stripped, but D somehow finds reason to keep it
all. Also, template usage needs to be relaxed. Over-use of templates really
bloats the exe. But it's not insurmountable, D could be used in 'proper

For 'practically embedded', like phones/games consoles, the EXE size is
still an issue, but we mainly care about performance. Shrink the EXE,
improve the GC.
There's no other showstoppers I'm aware of. D offers you as much control as
C++ over the rest of your performance considerations, I think they can be
addressed by the programmer.
That said, I'd still KILL for __forceinline! ;) ;)
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