Disable GC entirely
turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 02:36:56 PDT 2013
On 8 April 2013 19:26, Jacob Carlborg <doob at me.com> wrote:
> On 2013-04-08 10:31, Manu wrote:
> D for embedded, like PROPER embedded (microcontrollers, or even
>> raspberry pi maybe?) is one area where most users would be happy to use
>> a custom druntime like the ones presented earlier in this thread where
>> it's strategically limited in scope and designed not to allocate.
>> 'Really embedded' software tends not to care so much about portability.
>> A bigger problem is D's executable size, which are rather 'plump' to be
>> frank :P
>> Last time I tried to understand this, one main issue was objectfactory,
>> and the inability to strip out unused classinfo structures (and other
>> junk). Any unused data should be stripped, but D somehow finds reason to
>> keep it all. Also, template usage needs to be relaxed. Over-use of
>> templates really bloats the exe. But it's not insurmountable, D could be
>> used in 'proper embedded'.
> I agree with the templates, Phobos is full of them. Heck, I created a
> D-Objective-C bridge that resulted in a 60MB GUI Hello World exeuctable.
> Full of template and virtual methods bloat.
Haha, yeah I remember discussing that with you some time back when we were
discussing iPhone.
Rather humorous ;)
I do wonder if there's room in D for built-in Obj-C compatibility;
extern(ObjC) ;)
OSX and iOS are not minor platforms by any measure. At least support for
the most common parts of the Obj-C calling convention. D doesn't offer full
C++ either, but what it does offer is very useful, and it's important that
it's there.
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