Disable GC entirely
Paulo Pinto
pjmlp at progtools.org
Wed Apr 10 10:46:15 PDT 2013
Am 10.04.2013 19:06, schrieb Manu:
> On 11 April 2013 02:59, Manu <turkeyman at gmail.com
> <mailto:turkeyman at gmail.com>> wrote:
> In time, programmers will learn to be cautious/paranoid, and 'final'
> will dominate your code window.
> Or more realistically, most programmers will continue to be oblivious,
> and we'll enjoy another eternity of the same old problem where many 3rd
> party libraries written on a PC are unusable on resource-limited
> machines, and people like me will waste innumerable more hours
> re-inventing wheels in-house, because the programmer of a closed-source
> library either didn't know, or didn't give a shit.
> None of it would be a problem if he just had to type virtual when he
> meant it... the action would even assist in invoking conscious thought
> about whether that's actually what he wants to do, or if there's a
> better design.
> </okay, really end rant>
Manu, maybe something you might not be aware:
- Smalltalk
- Eiffel
- Lisp
- Java
- Self
- Dylan
- Julia
- Objective-C
- JavaScript
Are just a few examples of languages with virtual semantics for method
call. Some of those only offer virtual dispatch actually.
Some of them were developed in an age of computer systems that would
make today's embedded systems look like High Performance Computing servers.
Julia is actually a new kid on block, hardly one year old, and already
achieves C parity in many benchmarks.
So I think how much could be a problem of D's compilers and not the
virtual by default concept in itself.
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