State of the forum
Vladimir Panteleev
vladimir at
Wed Apr 10 23:28:06 PDT 2013
On Wednesday, 10 April 2013 at 16:25:03 UTC, ixid wrote:
> The forum has a number of issues, is there anything practical
> that can be done to address them? A forum should really work.
You can collect more information about the issues you're
experiencing, and file an issue, or even better, send a pull
request to the forum's GitHub repository:
> Regular forum errors (XHR error)
> Posts disappearing after getting stuck in a waiting for message
> response loop
I have not experienced these issues. The next time it happens,
please make a note of the exact time and the post you're
attempting to send, and file an issue or contact me directly.
> Broken up threads with the same title
The core issue is caused by Mailman rewriting Message-IDs. I know
how to implement a workaround, but it requires reengineering the
database (I need to store two IDs for each message, and account
for both when reconstructing threads). This is planned for the
next major update.
> Often has layout errors when loading that require a refresh
Which web browser? If the HTML doesn't change (and I don't know
why it would), it sounds like a bug with your browser's layout
> Works poorly/buggily on mobile browers (Android Stock/Android
> Chrome)
Please list some specific issues. Note that there is a limit to
the post width, since many mail/news clients send text in a
non-reflowable (pre-wrapped) format.
> Also the user habit due to the combined use of the forum as an
> email discussion and as a website forum of repeating the whole
> of a post, often to respond with a one-liner. Posts without the
> whole email/context repeated receive complaints that people do
> not know what it is in response to.
I'll implement some warnings when a user attempts to post a
message not conforming to netiquette.
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