Disable GC entirely

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Wed Apr 10 23:55:11 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 10 April 2013 at 22:48:06 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 4/6/2013 3:10 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> However there are cases where every byte and every ms matter, 
>> in those cases you
>> are still better with C, C++ and Fortran.
> This is not correct.
> If you care about every byte, you can make D code just as 
> performant.
> And by caring about every byte, you'll need to become as 
> familiar with how D generates code, and the cost of what 
> various features entail, as you would be in C++.

Same can be said for JVM and .NET languages.

Some of our consulting projects are conversion of C++ code into 
one of the said technologies. We usually achieve performance 
parity with the existing application.

With C, C++ and Fortran it is easier to achieve a certain 
performance level without effort, while the other languages 
require a bit of effort knowing the runtime, writing GC friendly 
data structures and algorithms, and doing performance analysis, 
but it achievable as well.

Many developers don't want to do this, hence my statement.


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