Was: Re: Vote for std.process

Manu turkeyman at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 06:25:39 PDT 2013

On 12 April 2013 22:30, Lars T. Kyllingstad <public at kyllingen.net> wrote:

> On Friday, 12 April 2013 at 11:37:14 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
>> I've moved this to another thread to allay complaints.
> Thanks!
> I completely agree that if code can be made more performant without a
> significant increase in complexity, then we should do so.  While it is
> mostly (but not entirely) irrelevant in the context of std.process, it is a
> problem that should be tackled in Phobos as a whole.  Several things
> could/should be done:
> It would be nice to have some sugar on top of alloca(), the use of which
> is usually considered bad practice.  Someone (bearophile?) once suggested
> static arrays whose length is determined at runtime, which would be a great
> addition to the language:
>     void foo(int n)
>     {
>         int[n] myArr;
>         ...
>     }

That's beautiful!

Furthermore, we need to get the allocator design in place.  In SciD, I use
> David Simcha's region allocator to allocate temporary workspace, and it
> works really well.  The only times I use 'new' is when I need persistent
> memory (e.g. for a return value) and the user-supplied buffer is too small.
>  Phobos would greatly benefit from doing this too.
> Finally, an example from the new std.process which got some heavy
> criticism in the other thread:
>     envz[pos++] = (var~'='~val~'\0').ptr;
> I have been operating under the assumption that the compiler is smart
> enough to make the above a single allocation.  If it isn't, I would
> consider it a compiler issue.

Does it? I've not seen the compiler do that, although I'd like to think it
should be possible. 1 allocation is better than 3 I guess, however, I
wonder if that code could be restructured to use the stack aswell.
alloca() is really underrated! I can't imagine why people don't like it.
Perhaps some more helpers built around it might encourage its use? It does
feel a little bit 'raw', like malloc(). It implies some annoying casts.
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