Is there any plans to make working signals in D?
Denis Shelomovskij
verylonglogin.reg at
Sun Apr 14 07:38:09 PDT 2013
14.04.2013 15:22, Robert пишет:
> There is:
> It is currently blocked by:
> There is already a pull request for 8441, but it was not merged yet.
> As soon as 8441 gets fixed, I am going to finish up the implementation
> to make it ready for review.
> For an overview of fixes and improvements over the current
> implementation, simply search the forums for std.signals2.
Does it mean you disagree with proposed compiler changes and with the
idea we have to create weak reference functionality instead of
recreating it every time it is needed (beside of theoretical danger such
approach already showed it as a bad thing with `std.stdio.File` as I wrote)?
Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij
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