Port of libnoise to d
Tofu Ninja
emmons0 at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 18 23:12:08 PDT 2013
On Thursday, 18 April 2013 at 19:16:25 UTC, Roderick Gibson wrote:
> Hey guys. Just wanted to let anyone interested know that I got
> libnoise ported into a (barely) workable state. I actually did
> this last year, but got held up with other things and never got
> around to actually getting it working. So now I have! I've
> added a couple of things to it as well, the biggest one being a
> simplex noise generator.
> It's still in a very rough state but it is usable. If anyone
> wants to take a look or grab it it's on my github:
> https://github.com/kniteli/libnoise-d
> Building is currently a pain so I'd recommend just importing
> the sources directly. I'm going to get the library sorted out
> as I go along, as I'm playing around with coherent noise
> terrain generation.
> Oh yeah, one last thing, here's some cool formations generated
> with the simplex generator in a voxel engine:
> http://imgur.com/bhwWnny
> Can you believe that used to be a cube?
This is relevant to my interests, by "rough state", what do mean
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