rvalue references

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 01:45:11 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 at 08:23:57 UTC, Manu wrote:
> Okay, I understand the problem now. I'm sure it's possible to 
> address these
> issues, but I see the complexity in that case.
> Is it worth doing so? Will it be taken seriously, or will 
> another reason to
> dismiss it appear?

I can't talk for Walter, but let me tell what I'd say if I was 

The issue is worth considering. However, clearly in a 2 step 
process :
  - Ensuring lifetime safety.
  - In a second step, ensuring rvalue ref binding when it is safe 
(this include many consideration about temporary lifetime that 
aren't trivial as you can see).

I'd give priority to #1 as it seems like a major hole in D right 
now. But #2, even if truly important, solve a problem that isn't 
as fundamental, and incurs a fair amount of complexity, so I'd 
delay it until some core recurring problems are sorted out.

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