Mixin template parameters / mixin template literals

Diggory diggsey at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 24 14:03:13 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 at 20:32:16 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 04/24/2013 07:07 PM, Diggory wrote:
>> One way this could be done is by expanding on lazy parameters. 
>> Perhaps
>> you could specify parameters for a lazy argument, so instead 
>> of always
>> getting a delegate of type T delegate(), you could get one of 
>> type T
>> delegate(U a, V b).
>> For example, a parameter could be:
>> void f(lazy bool exp(int a, int b)) {
>>     bool result = exp(1, 2);
>> }
>> Then when you call that:
>> f(a < b)
>> The names 'a' and 'b' come from the parameter list for 'f'. I 
>> would
>> definitely vote for this as a feature!
> This is a little dangerous as it looks like an ordinary 
> expression but has to somehow affect symbol scoping.

Surely it's no more dangerous than lazy parameters already are. 
(they are already converted into a hidden delegate, it just 
happens to take no parameters at the moment)

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