rvalue references
rswhite4 at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 27 04:11:54 PDT 2013
You often say that 'auto ref' can not work for non-templates.
Why not really?
Because the resulting code bloat is not bearable, or because it
is technically not possible?
I ask because actually this would be the best performing solution.
void foo(auto ref const A a) { }
//is converted to:
void foo(ref const A a) { }
void foo(const A a) {
return foo(a); //call ref version
And it work like:
A a = A(42);
foo(a); // call foo(ref const A a)
foo(A(23)); // call foo(const A a)
So no postblit is called and there is no temporary on the caller
Also I would like to see an answer of my overlooked question
(just out of curiosity):
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