Is the other-kind-of-null really necessary in Nullable and Variant?

Idan Arye GenericNPC at
Mon Apr 29 13:00:30 PDT 2013

On Monday, 29 April 2013 at 18:20:35 UTC, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
> On 2013-04-29, 19:57, Idan Arye wrote:
> Now, consider the fact we have Nullable in Phobos.

Yes, we have `Nullable` in Phobos. It works by having two member 
fields - `_value`, which stores the value, and `_isNull`, which 
specifies if the `Nullable` is null or not. Let's implement a 
bare bones Linked List:

     class Node(T){
         T value;
         Nullable!(Node!T) next;
         this(T value){
         this(T value,Node!T next){

Now lets create an instance:

     auto myList=new Node("Hello");

What will happen?

We create a new `Node!string`. it's `value` will be set to 
"hello", and since the one-argument constructor does not modify 
`next`, it will it will remain as the init value of 
`Nullable!(Node!string)`. What is the init value of 

The init value of `Nullable!(Node!string)` is an object with two 
member fields - `value` of type `string` and `next` of type 
`Nullable!(Node!string)`. The default constructor modifies 
neither, so they will both remain with their initial values. The 
init value of `string` is an empty string. What is the init value 
of `Nullable!(Node!string)`? To find the answer, return to the 
beginning of this paragraph and read it again.

You are not supposed to be reading this paragraph. You are 
supposed to be stuck in an infinite recursion in the previous 
paragraph. As a human, you can cheat and escape it, but the 
computer is not so lucky - it'll allocate more and more objects 
until it'll crash with a stack overflow.

Actually - that won't happen, since the compiler is smart enough 
to detect type recursion and emit e compile time error. But the 
problem remains - we are left unable to implement any type of 
recursive structure.

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