D mentioned in GameDev article "What Language Do I Use?"

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 18:27:22 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 1 August 2013 at 21:46:17 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

> Only as a footnote, though. Our battle for traction is still an 
> uphill
> battle. :-/

To be fair, D didn't exist when the article was first written and 
was hardly ever mentioned on gamedev.net when the article was 
updated in 2008. I'm guessing that the footnote about D was added 
by Drew Sikora, the guy who manages the article/blog system 
there. I don't think he knows enough about it to be more detailed 
and was being conservative in writing about what he does know and 

I've been a member of that site since October of '99. There was a 
time when any language that was not C or C++ was flamed to hell 
every time it was mentioned. Java usually received the brunt of 
it. A few years back when I mentioned D in a post, a moderator 
went from flaming the language to insulting my intelligence and 
competence for even mentioning it. These days, that sort of thing 
doesn't happen anymore and is quickly squashed when it does. So 
given that history at that site, I see a lot more positive in 
this blurb being inserted into an article by a staff member. D is 
definitely gaining traction there.

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